Local Transport Plan – Baseline Report
North Northamptonshire Council is looking to produce its first Local Transport Plan (LTP) for the North Northamptonshire area. This LTP will identify our transport policies and objectives. Production of an LTP is a statutory requirement of the Transport Act 2000 and Local Transport Act 2008 which require us to set out our plans and policies for transport as well as how we intend to implement them. We are seeking to start the process by engaging with stakeholders and residents on the draft Local Transport Plan Baseline Report. The Baseline Report identifies changes that have occurred since the 2012 LTP as well as the policies and guidance that will be considered in the development of the Local Transport Plan.
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Please visit the Your Voice Matters hub for further information, including how to have your say. You can also view all other consultation and engagement activities.
This engagement survey closes at 23.59, 23 March 2025.
Rural health and wellbeing needs assessment
We’d like to understand more about the health and wellbeing needs of people living in rural communities across North Northamptonshire. Your experiences will help us identify how services could support your needs.
Have your say
Please visit the Your Voice Matters hub for further information, including how to have your say. You can also view all other consultation and engagement activities.
This survey closes at 23.59 on 25 March 2025.